5 Smart Ways To Deal With Oily Hair This Winter

Written by Fatema Habib9th Jan 2019
5 Smart Ways to Deal with Oily Hair This Winter

The cold winds outdoors and dry heat indoors can wreak havoc on your strands, leading to problems, such as hair breakage, split ends and oily hair. Oily, sticky hair can be problematic as well as frustrating, especially when it comes to styling your hair or leaving them loose. To prevent your hair from looking greasy in the winter months, here are some smart ways to keep the oiliness under control. 


Just condition the ends

Keep your straightener away

Applying conditioner from scalp to ends can totally weigh your hair down. It’s best to apply conditioner from mid-lengths to the ends of your hair. This will keep your hair light and bouncy.


Use baby powder

Keep your straightener away

Baby powder is the hack you need to know for eliminating oil from your hair in winters. Replace your dry shampoo with baby powder. Sprinkle some powder on your roots and rub it in. It’s ideal to apply the powder before hitting the bed as it will allow the powder to set overnight and your hair will feel and look dry by morning.


Avoid touching your hair

Keep your straightener away

This is the easiest way to prevent your hair from looking too oily in winters. Your fingertips as well as your face produce oil that can get transferred to your hair. Therefore, keep your hands away from your hair, do not play with it or opt for hairstyles that keep hair tied back from your face. 


Smart brushing is key

Keep your straightener away

It’s important to balance your hair brushing habits. Not brushing your hair enough keeps natural oils from being distributed evenly, whereas, over brushing can stimulate extra oil production. Therefore, know exactly how often you need to brush your hair and stick to a routine.   


Keep your straightener away

Keep your straightener away

Try not to use a hair straightener, especially if you suffer from greasy hair. Curled hair tends to give more volume at the roots which in turn prevents your hair form becoming too oily too quickly. It’s ideal to bid goodbye to your straightener in winters.

Fatema Habib

Written by

Author at BeBeautiful

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