Take Care! These Body Parts Are The First To Show Signs Of Ageing

Written by Nida Sayyed9th Jan 2019
Take care! These body parts are the first to show signs of ageing

Ageing is inevitable and we all will experience it at one point. But as we age, there are certain parts that give away the tell-tale signs more easily than others. Here are the 3 body parts that show signs of ageing much before others and what you can do to delay this from happening.




Neck is the first part to show ageing. This is because the skin on your neck is thinner and more delicate than the rest of your body. The sagging on your chin and neck may appear sooner than you expected.

How to take care of it

Your neck requires as much skin care as does your face. Moisturise it well and use SPF on your neck every day!




You all know fine lines around eyes can easily make you look tired and old. The skin around your eyes need extra care.

How to take care of it

Use under eye serums and creams regularly, and avoid any dragging motions when you apply products like concealer in the under eye areas. This will tug at the skin and cause premature wrinkles. Use a makeup sponge or your ring finger to dab in the products.




Your hands age surprisingly fast. They’re always exposed and the constant washing also causes the skin to dry and show signs of ageing sooner than other parts. Constant sun exposure also takes a toll on your hands.

How to take care of it

Always apply sunscreen on your hands and moisturise them every few hours.

Nida Sayyed

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