The ‘Egg’cellent Guide To Great Looking Skin

Written by Khubi Amin AhmedSep 09, 2016
You will often be told how eggs are the best power food on your breakfast menu. While that’s true, turns out, it’s also a great food for your skin. Surprised? Don’t be. Read on as we list out some egg face pack combinations for different skin concerns…

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For oily skin

Throw in the egg white and oatmeal together in a bowl and apply the mixture on your face and neck to fight oily skin. Or add the egg yolk in a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey and mix in for another egg face pack.

For those fighting oily skin, these egg face packs will help reduce the oil secretion on your face to leave your skin feeling soft and supple.

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For dry skin

Egg yolk is always a good idea for those dealing with dry skin.

Combine egg yolk with lemon juice and olive oil to hydrate dry skin or mix egg yolk in a mashed avocado and apply all over your face and neck to hydrate your skin to the max and be done with dry patches.

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For tanned skin

Make a face pack by combining egg with yoghurt and honey and apply it over your face and neck. Leave it on for a few hours to get rid of that nasty tan.

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For better complexion

Mix an egg in a spoonful of honey and a few drops of olive oil and rosewater and stir it all into a face pack. Apply it on your face and let dry, then wash it off with warm water for a radiant complexion.

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For skin with pores

Egg also helps clog those pores and tightens the skin. Mix a tablespoon of corn flour with one egg white. Apply it to your skin and leave it on until the mask is almost dry. Wash off with warm water and then wash again with cold water to better your blood circulation and help close those pores and make them less visible.

Khubi Amin Ahmed

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Deputy Editor, Writer/Journalist, Avid reader, Moonlighting literature loony, culinary and art fanatic. Unconventional eternal!

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